Thursday, May 14, 2015

Watching Texas Bowl game from nosebleeding seats at Reliant Stadium - Houston Texas - Dec 2008

Boston MA

 Reliant Stadium - Houston Texas - Dec 2008

The Holidays of 2008 were winding down in Houston. The New Year was just couple of days away; it was kind of slow time at a bank in downtown Houston that I worked at the time. A good friend and coworker of mine Bryan and I were just chatting on the day before New Year's eve, when he mentioned he was going to a College Football Bowl game that night at Reliant Stadium. My ears perked up - a Football game at Reliant? That sounded exciting and I was envious for me and happy for him at the same time. I have always wanted go see Reliant Stadium. I couldn't resist the urge to ask him so blurted it out "Do you have any extra tickets?" To my surprise he said "I may but I need to call someone first to be sure".  Arrright now we are talking..

When I bumped into him later that afternoon, he tells me "Hey I got you 2 tickets. You gonna pick them up tonight from Roll Call window at the stadium right before the game." "Are you kidding me? I was going to see a game at Reliant." I walked around the office floor with a big grin on my face the rest of the day looking all silly and created an awkward scene for everybody.

I called my wife Sri and told her to be ready. I drove home from downtown to Sugarland where we lived and picked up Sri and Ryon(3) and headed back to downtown. Since it was Holidays the traffic wasn't that bad that day. We pretended we were residents at an apartment complex next door to the stadium and parked there(Shhh don't tell the towing company) and walked towards the stadium. As they say "Everything is big in Texas", the Reliant stadium is no exception. Located in the SW part of Houston, the state-of-the-art building looked massive as we got closer to it - quite a sight for sure. It got dark early; the imposing structure sat mighty and stoic in the chilly evening. The home of the Houston Texans NFL team and only the NFL stadium in the country that also serves as a Rodeo arena in the summer.

We picked up our tickets from the booth and after what seemed like an eternity negotiating a series of ramps, stairs and escalators we enter the stadium. As soon as we made our way into the retractable facility our jaws dropped by the sheer immense size of the place. It felt like we were mile high from the field below. As we were settling into our seats I was convinced why the seats were called nose-bleeding seats. The joke goes that the seats are so high, your nose could actually bleed - Very appropriate if you ask me.

The local ivy school Rice University Owls played Western Michigan Broncos in the Texas Bowl game that night. The Quarterback of Rice, "Chase Clement" had a phenomenal game that night and Owls won comfortably 36-14 something.

What a way to say goodbye to old year and usher in the new year.



Ps : I just found out as I am writing this the Reliant Stadium has been renamed as NRG stadium. Its not the same though.

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