Monday, November 2, 2015

My Halloween Weekend in Boston Oct 2015

My Halloween Weekend in Boston Oct 2015

Upon waking up on Halloween day I figured we had a hectic Saturday. My son, daughter and I made plans to drive to downtown Boston and check out Faneuil Market, head up to Somerville to see Halloween decorations, pick up Halloween costumes on the way back home and finally accompany kids on trick-or-treating in the evening.

1. Faneuil Market : We parked near South Station and decided to walk to the famous Faneuil Market. Its a historic market with a million people milling around, a market that is indoors in a mile-long building is home to a thousand restaurants of all kinds that has people from around the world visiting this place only to pay astronomical prices for the mediocre food. Its a ritual everyone has to do it once I guess.

2. Metro : I was lot more thrilled when my kids got to try the metro trains, MBTA or simply T as it is called in Boston. Faneuil market is not very far from South Station but it takes 3 different trains to get there. It worked out pretty good because kids got to board blue, orange, red lines; got a chance negotiate the underground maize of levels, platforms, lots of steps, lots of escalators, lot of walking through subterranean tunnels. I loved it, glad my kids got a chance to experience it and they told me they had fun riding the T.

3. Somerville : We heard there was this community in Somerville and they decorate their houses with elaborate Halloween themes and characters. It was not easy to locate these houses but we persisted and when we finally got there, we were quite impressed by the decorations. I kid you not the character in the black costume with wings is a real guy who spooked the heck out of us when he actually started moving and talking when we got near him. He is a super nice guy when he is not donning the mask, I should say.

4. Trick or Treat : After we had stopped at the costumes store we got back home and it was time for trick or treat. It was a fun night of walking around the neighborhood and getting to the know the fine folks in the community and demand candy(just kidding). What astonished me was the self-control my son had over the candy. He never ate a single candy the whole evening while we were trick-or-treating. I sheepishly begged him for some candy and I ate two bars and gave my daughter one while we were walking to the yet another house. If I were his age and if I were doing the trick-or-treating in my day, I bet the bowl would be nearly empty by the time I got home.

==Thank You==

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