Saturday, July 4, 2015

One Special Independence Day "Fourth of July" in Paris France

Boston, MA

One Special Fourth of July in Paris France
I have been around a few 4th of July US Independence Day celebrations but one particular Independence Day event I had witnessed was quite unique and special.
On July 4th in 2010 we were out and about in Paris on a metro hopping binge and finally ended up on the streets of "Champs-Elysees" and "Arc de Triomphe" and had noticed a parade of some kind was in progress. We got closer and realized a 4th of July parade hosted by American Embassy was taking place. We were pleasantly surprised by it and could not believe our stroke of luck to be at the right place and right time. Our bodies swelled with pride and our minds filled with emotion and our hearts longed for home while the band played "Star-Spangled Banner" anthem as the parade passed us under the long shadows cast by Arch of Triumph in Paris France.
Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July everyone!

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