Sunday, July 26, 2015

Turner Falls Massachusetts Jul 2015

Turner Falls, Massachusestts Jul 2015

You would hear the town of Turner Falls before you see it. If you are driving from Boston to upstate New York on Route 2 in western Massachusetts near Greenfield the deafening sound of water falls is bound to get your attention. Unless you are running late for an appointment with  the mayor of Buffalo you would be tempted to stop at the falls. Recently we were on our way to Bennington Vermont and as we were passing Turner Falls I heard an enormous body of water falling from a considerable height making thunderous noise. I turned to my left and caught a glimpse of a waterfall. The noise was too loud to ignore and we thought Bennington had to wait for another day.

We turned around and turned right onto a bridge set high overlooking a huge water dam on the east side of the bridge. The welcome center for the town of Turner Falls is right next to the bridge and is a good place to park your car and enjoy the sights this place has to offer. The spectacular greenery all around you, the water falls, the charming little town are going to soothe your senses and you will be glad you stopped.

To start things off we walked into the Discovery Center and met with a personable lady who gave us some useful tips and talked to us a little bit about the area and reminded us to check out the fishway right by the dam. It is worth while to take time to check out the display items at the Discovery Center, as it is very educational and you would get to learn about the local flora and fauna. When you come out of the center you can get on little pathway right next to it and you would cross an old rickety pedestrian bridge spanning the water canal fed from hydro electric plant. Now you can see a trail that should take you down the embankment to the river offering you a clear view of the roadway bridge that brought you into town and you can also see the raging water flowing over the dam with fury.

After we trudged on the pebbled shore to our content we walked back up the riverbank and crossed the walk bridge back towards the Discovery Center, presently we took the pathway that leads you under the roadway bridge towards the other side of the dam. We made our way towards fishway adjacent to a park.

When the bridge was first built the salmon and other fish had no way of migrating back to their breeding spots so they would simply perish. The migratory route used by salmon for millions of years from Atlantic ocean to northern parts of Connecticut river had been cut off by the damn dam. In an effort to save the salmon they built a fishway which is basically a ladder system for fish to continue their migration.

==Thank You==

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